Injuries, serious illness, chronic illness and so forth are various reasons why one regrettably has to make the decision that they are no longer able to do the job for which they are trained, and for which they have worked over the years. They may have one or more physicians telling them the bad news, which is devastating to hear. If you have a family to support, or even if you are self sufficient, you immediately ask, how will I survive? You are advised to go to your local Social Security Office to make an application for Social Security Disability. In some states, that can be done online. It is a long, tedious process, especially if you are not well. You are told you must be seen by several doctors of their choice, then you will know something in about eight weeks.
You have done everything they have asked. You have pretty much drained your savings merely to exist while you wait. Then the envelope comes and you rip it open with anxiety. You are crestfallen as you read that your case has been denied. Almost all applications are denied on the first try and your case of Social security disability in Schaumburg is no different. The list of possible qualifying illnesses included: Chronic Pain, Heart Disease, Diabetes, PTSD, Depression, Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Lung Disease and so forth.
You need to file an appeal, but you cannot do this alone. You need to find a qualified attorney who has been down this road before. Why not check out Nash Disability Law of Thomas Nash? He has been in this field for many years and knows a few loopholes. He is willing to meet with you free of charge to discuss your case. You will need to be sure that you bring with all of your medical documentation, your paperwork from Social Security, a description of the type of work that you did, etc. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions and know that the staff at the Thomas Nash Law Firm really does care about you. They are ready to have your back during a battle that could take up to another year.
There are no guarantees that you will win your appeal, still many people are once again rejected. Having the expertise of legal experts in your corner cannot hurt.