When a family member has been arrested, a person may want to do whatever they can to help the arrested person in their situation and get them out of jail. One way they can do this is by paying the bail in Miami, FL, which is set based on the crime the person is accused of but can be raised or lowered by a judge. Often, it is raised or lowered because of the person’s ability to pay, the chance they will leave town, or the chance they will commit another crime while they are released.
Often, the bail in Miami, FL is more than the family member can afford, and in these cases the family member may want to see about securing a bail bond. This can often be done if the bail amount is more than a few hundred dollars and there are two ways a person can secure it.
1. Using cash to secure a bond – When the person uses cash to secure the bond, they’ll need to pay 10% of the full bail amount. If the arrested person fulfills the terms of the bond, they won’t receive anything back (it will be considered the fees of use), but they won’t owe anything further. If the arrested person does not fulfill the terms of the bond, the family member that secured the bond may be required to pay the remaining 90% plus fees.
2. Using collateral to secure a bond – If the person doesn’t have enough cash, they can secure the bond with the title to a car, house, or something else of value that must be more than the full bail amount. If the arrested person fulfills the terms of the bond, they can receive their collateral back and will need to pay fees, but i If the arrested person does not fulfill the terms, they may need to forfeit their collateral.
Bail bonds can be an excellent way to help a family member in need, but it’s important to understand the terms of the bond and what can happen if the terms are not fulfilled. For more information or to secure a bail bond for a family member, contact Faroy Bail Bonds today.
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