A DUI Could Cost You Your License And You Need To Hire A DUI Lawyer Chicago

by | Dec 15, 2014 | Lawyers

When you’re pulled over for a DUI, it can affect your life more than just the financial impact of fines. You could lose your license or even end up in jail. This is why you need to hire a DUI Lawyer in Chicago. Every DUI arrest has a unique set of circumstances that surround it. When you hire the professional representation you need, they can review these circumstances to make sure you were legally pulled over and what possible defenses may be. If your goal is to avoid jail time or large fines, an experienced lawyer will diligently to get the best possible outcome and will dedicated to your lowest possible penalty allowed by law.

DUI penalties vary. You could go to jail for a year plus additional time if you have a child in the car under the age of 16. Plus you could face fines for a DUI charge in addition to more penalties for having a child in the car. Your license and registration could be suspended for a minimum of a year as well. These are only some of the penalties for a first offense. If you receive a second DUI offense, there is a minimum of five days in jail or community service. Fines increase dramatically for a second offense. This is why you need to hire a DUI Lawyer in Chicago. If you receive a third DUI, you will be charged with a felony and your driver’s license could be suspended for up to 10 years in jail.

Receiving services from an experienced criminal attorney for your DUI charge is necessary to minimize the life-altering penalties that could be imposed. If you’re employed and do not have a driver’s license to get to and from work, chances are you will lose your job. With that loss in addition to the fines you have to pay, it could take a turn for the worse losing your home from no income. Hiring an attorney like John Fitzgerald Lyke Jr. will help you minimize the problems associated with your DUI charge. He will represent you to the fullest extent possible for the best possible outcome.

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