Claiming Your Benefits With A Disability Lawyer Will County

by | Jan 22, 2022 | Lawyers

For a person with a condition that makes them unable to work and in need of disability assistance, or a situation in which they may be entitled to social security benefits that they aren’t receiving, working with a Disability Lawyer Will County can be an efficient option. The process of applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or requesting Social Security Income (SSI) benefits can be confusing.

An attorney’s office can offer clients Disability Attorney Services to explain what types of benefits they may be eligible for and explain to the client why those benefits may be what the client needs. The attorney can help clients decide which benefits to apply for. SSDI is generally for a disabled person who has worked a long time, and SSI is generally for those who are disabled but with little or no work experience. However, qualifying factors may vary, and it’s best to consult with an attorney as to which benefits are right for you.

The Disability Lawyer Will County can sit down with a client and fully explain which benefits the client may be able to file for and then explain the steps they will need to take. The attorney can help the client complete their paperwork, too. The attorney then requests the client’s medical records. Clients applying for social security disability benefits normally get turned down at least once. This is intimidating and disappointing, but it’s actually what happens to most applicants at first.

After a client files their initial claim, they usually have a response from Social Security within two months. If a claim is denied, the attorney can explain how the appeals process works, complete the client’s appeal forms, and walk the client through it each step of the way to getting the claim approved. You usually have around 60 days to file your Appeal for Reconsideration, and most clients hear back from Social Security within 60 days. However, if a client requests a hearing, the wait can be nine months or more.

Attorneys who specialize in this area often base their fees on the services they provide rather than on the amount of compensation the client receives, and their fees may be limited to no more than 25 percent of the clients benefits. However, clients should clarify the attorney’s fees at the beginning.

To learn more visit Jeffrey A. Rabin & Associates, Ltd. today.

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