Before people put up fences or add-on to their property, they’re supposed to check the property line to make sure they’re only building on their own property. Unfortunately, they may forego this step or there may be a mistake made. When this happens, the fence may actually be put on their neighbor’s yard and, even if it’s only by a couple of inches, this could start a property dispute. The result may be that the fence needs to be moved or the neighbor may want a different resolution.
When a property dispute is created, each person should hire a property dispute lawyer in Chico, CA. The lawyer not only has experience working with these types of disputes and knows the laws that will dictate how the dispute is resolved, but also they’re able to look up property lines and determine where exactly they should sit so the two people can determine a proper resolution for the dispute. Each person should hire their own lawyer to avoid conflict of interest and to ensure they have someone knowledgeable on their site.
Property disputes are often settled out of court, which means they don’t take as long to settle. The lawyer for both parties will help their client discuss where the property line should be and what can be done to settle the dispute. When the parties reach an agreement, a contract may be written detailing the resolution of the dispute and both parties will be held to it. If the parties cannot come to an agreement, the dispute may go into court. At this point, a judge will oversee the case and determine a resolution for them.
It is possible to resolve a property dispute without any legal action or assistance. However, it’s a good idea to at least have a consultation with a property dispute lawyer in Chico, CA to find out what options are available. Anyone who is in need of property dispute advice or who would like to learn more about how property disputes are resolved can view today. Then, they’ll have the option of working with a lawyer to resolve their own dispute as amicably as possible.